Monday, March 8, 2010

Cuddle Up

My little girl was sick this past weekend. I hate seeing her sick; it really does break my heart. All she wanted to do was sit in my lap and cuddle. I admit at first it was nice, but by Saturday evening I was craving some freedom. She whined and cried every time I tried to "escape", so I obliged her and stayed close by. Thankfully, she started feeling better by Sunday evening, but because she didn't have her appetite back--correction, her picky appetite back--Hubby and I decided to let her stay home from school (it's daycare, but we call it school...hey, I'm a teacher). Since I stayed home on Friday, Hubby stayed home today.

Now, I'm usually pretty slow-moving on Monday mornings, but not today. I craved my "freedom", even if it was with a bunch of sleepy ninth graders. I hoped out of bed, dressed, skipped breakfast at home, and left for work EARLY. I adore my daughter. She is without a doubt a tremendous blessing, and everyday I thank God that He chose my husband and me to be her parents. But...she is two, and, well you know. So you can imagine I was pretty surprised when a feeling of emptiness engulfed me before I was halfway to work. I missed her. I missed her being snuggled up to me for almost three straight days. So while I did not have the most exciting weekend, and I was in pajamas or sweats for most of it, it was still a wonderful weekend spent cuddled up with my favorite girl.

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